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Writer's picturePeace And Preparation

I'm Glad I'm Not Her Anymore: Not Her Pt 2

Updated: Mar 7, 2024

I use to be broken, angry, hurt, and confused.

But guess what, I’m not her anymore.

I use to judge, criticize and condemn.

But guess what, I’m not her anymore.

I use to laugh at others, gossip, and counsel other's unrighteously.

But guess what, I’m not her anymore.

I use to be angry, bitter, resentful, and quick to play the victim and point the finger.

But guess what, I’m not her anymore.

I use to be angry with family, with friends with God.

But guess, what I’m not her anymore.

God spoke to me, God awoke me and repaired my heart. He removed the deceit from the world and uprooted man's teaching from my mind. He showed me the right path and taught me how to listen to his voice, and his plan. He saved me from death and redeemed me from my sin. That is why I am so determined to put my trust in Him, His Son, his choice. Now I finally have a voice. That I will use to spread His Word, spread His Gospel, and praise His name.

1 hozzászólás

Victoria DeBose
Victoria DeBose
2022. júl. 07.

This is beautiful! Makes me wonder and think, change into transformation is a blessing.

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